Wills and Estates Seminar

Learn about Wills, Estates, Power of Attorney and Health Care Decisions. Register now to attend this session, by emailing recreation@northshorepei.ca or by calling 902 672 2600, and ask for Don. Hosted by Hannah Jones of Community Legal Information Wednesday May 8,...

Summer plans

We wanted to let families know early, that we will NOT be offering kids day camp programs this summer. Thanks to all who enjoyed this program in the past. We will be developing new programming in the coming months that will run this summer. Stay tuned here for...

Climate Action Plan

We have written a new Climate Action Plan, to guide our community efforts on several goals over the future years. It is available HERE.

Storm closures

The municipal offices (located in the North Shore Community Centre) close whenever the provincial government offices close in Queens County. Closures or cancellations for individual events, or by tenants within any of our facilities are made by them and may follow...

Welcome to our new website

We have upgraded our website, but still have some more changes to make. If you have suggestions for improvements, please email them to administrator@northshorepei.ca